The Writing Revolution Book Study

This is an asynchronous book study using the book The Writing Revolution by Judith Hochman and Natalie Wexler. Judith Hochman delivers a method called The Writing Revolution (TWR). TWR provides strategies and activities to support educators in simultaneously implementing effective writing instruction and content. Participants will explore how to support students through explicit instruction, as they learn to build sentences, develop paragraphs, and construct compositions within the writing process. Participants will read, explore, and discuss how to implement strategies that support writing achievement for all students.

2 PLUs awarded at the end of the coursework.
This is an "at-your-own pace" online course.  
$150 in-area fee/$250 out-of-area fee
(Registration fee does not include the cost of the book: The Writing Revolution Book)

Event Information

Event Date 07-01-2023
Cut Off Date 06-30-2024
Individual Price $150 in-area fee/$250 out-of-area fee
Location Online only